Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Help America Hear Day of Giving Montefiore Hearing Aid Mission

Sights & Sounds

Help America Hear Day of Giving Montefiore Hearing Aid Mission

On Saturday, July 23, 2011 the Foundation for Sight and Sound's Help America Hear program held it’s 3rd “Day of Giving” Hearing Aid Mission at Montefiore Hospital, Bonx NY. This year 12 men, women & children were recipients of two hearing aids each.

From Amanda, age 7, to a young college student and not to forget a few elderly folks who also choose to participate more independently in society. Amanda has progressed in her school wrork and socially since receiving her first hearing aid in last year’s mission. Courteney will be able to function better in college , not just in hearing and comprehending the professors, but with interaction with fellow students.

It’s truly an amazing feeling when you can provide someone with the ability to hear the sounds which surround all of us each day. Many of our recipients have trouble talking on the phone and have to raise the volume of their TV’s and radio’s. Having a conversation can be difficult as the person speaking usually talks louder which comes across to the hard of hearing person as being angry. Each individual at our Day of Giving has expressed their unwavering gratitude upon receiving their new hearing aids. To many of these individuals there is a true understanding of the value of this gift.

The mission was made possible in part from grants received from the Bronx Rotary Club, CVS and Hearing Loss Association of America, Manhatten Chapter. It’s because of organizations like these, we are able to provide the " Gift of Sound” to many people who lack the financial resources to obtain hearing aids on their own.

The mission was spearheaded by Help America Hear Co-founder Dave Carr, a third generation hearing instruments specialist, with assistance from
Laura Tocci, Au.D. Director of Audiology, Speech, and Voice at Montefiore Hospital and the staff of McGuires Hearing & Audiolgical services. The Staff included Mike Taveniere, Frieda Toback, Joanna Coleman, Mary Bohr, Michael Burke and last but not least Nikol Leitner from Montefiore.

Once again, several members of the Bronx Rotary were there to lend support and speak with the hearing aid recipients. The delegation was lead by Miguel Santiago, a big supporter of the Help America Hear Program. Bronx Rotary President Debby Appel, Rotarians Ed Hicks & Ann Ward were on hand to witness the process.

Also in attendance was Eric Charland, Regional Sales Manager for our hearing aid manufactuerer GN ReSound. This is Eric’s first Help America Hear “Day of Giving” Mission and here is what he has to say; “I had the pleasure of being at the most recent Help America Hear mission at Montefiore Hospital on July 23rd. It was an amazing experience. One of the favorite parts about my job is being able to help people that have hearing loss reconnect to their world. To be able to do this for people who are also less fortunate and cannot afford hearing aids makes it much more special. I admire what Mitch and Foundation for Sight and Sound do for these people and look forward to continuing to support this amazing program” –

Of course we can’t leave out the folks at Foundation For Sight & Sound who help make things possible, Mitch, Vivian, volunteers Donna (who took pictures), Leslie & our video producer and videographer, Joani & Dennis.

Yes, a lot of people involved, all giving up their day to provide their services to help people who fall through the cracks and can’t afford a device which can give them a better quality of life. ... you give what you can to make the world a better place.

Respectfully submitted

Mitchel Shapiro

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